Saturday, February 29, 2020

A Nation of Idiots Analysis

What evidence does Moore offer to support his contention that America is a nation of idiots? Is calling us all a nation of idiots an effective way to get our attention and sympathies? Moore shares a number of personal experiences in this selection to dramatize his disgust with formal education. Overall, how would you characterize his attitude toward school and schooling? What textual evidence leads you to make those conclusions?What are the potential problems with using this kind of rhetorical or argumentative strategy in his writing? Moore offers evidence of public ignorance to support that America is a nation of idiots. He does this by stating, â€Å"Only 11 percent of the American public bothers to read a daily newspaper, beyond the funny pages or the used car ads† (Idiot Nation excerpt, Colombo, Cullen, Lisle, 129).This example is a good reflection of Moore’s attitude and style of grabbing the reader’s attention. He relates to the readers in simple terms, but always with a hint of sarcasm. I believe that calling America a â€Å"nation of idiots† is an effective way of getting us to listen. The way Moore sees it, schools have used various tactics to educate its students and politicians have used different forms of engaging the public, but the public is not interested.Moore states, â€Å"A nation that not only churns out illiterate students but goes out of its way to remain ignorant and stupid is a nation that should not be running this world – at least not until a majority of its citizens can locate Kosovo (or any other country it has bombed) on the map† (Idiot Nation excerpt, Colombo, Cullen, Lisle, 129). The potential problem with using this kind of rhetorical strategy in his writing is that the readers probably do not think of themselves as â€Å"idiots† and therefore will assume that Moore’s words do not apply to them and readers will tune out.Another problem is Moore will offend some of his audience and naturally these audience members will become defensive and disregard Moore’s current and future work. Moore does not see schooling in America as an effective way of educating the nation. He also views it as a very harmful environment that teaches children not to question authority and not to think, but rather do as they are told. â€Å"They learn that to rock the boat could get them rocked right out of school† (Idiot Nation excerpt, Colombo, Cullen, Lisle, 143).

Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Marketing Plan Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 3

Marketing Plan - Research Paper Example Other areas of specialization in which the company invests in are beverages, which are used worldwide. Besides the operations of the company within the UK market, the company has major markets within the US, Germany, Italy, Japan, Spain as well as in France. GlaxoSmithKline Plc as a trading company has a statement of mission, which is ‘provision and development of immunotherapeutic, as well as vaccines that are necessary for improvement of human health globally’. The company has made strategic milestones in the field over years and is credited for having great and contributions towards the global health as it is today. The company’s profile reveals that the formation of the company as it is today has involved merger efforts with many companies and thus would have a history from the early years of 20th century. The existence of the corporate identity of GlaxoSmithKline plc is not that old s it dates from the time of merger of SmithKline Beecham and Glaxo Wellcome in December 1999 (Addison & Lawson, 2012). GSK has special attention on such fundamental areas as realizing sustainable growth, improving long-term financial performances as well as reducing risks. It realizes these goals through embracing diversification, developing and delivering high-value products as well as adoption of simplified business models. The recent developments have seen the company adopt generic branded manufacturing to add to the previously existing patented strategies in order to command higher influence and relevance in the modern day market. Addison and Lawson through a recent discourse analysis study concerning the strategic development move of generic branding found out that this was necessary and very effective in lowering the associated performance risks as well as in increasing the range of products being traded on. The shift in production models into the incorporation of generic manufacturing has greatly revolutionized the industry through lowering

Saturday, February 1, 2020

Assignment 7(675) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Assignment 7(675) - Essay Example I suggest so because it is often healthier initially for an employee to evaluate and rectify himself based on what he believes he lacks, rather than giving an outright harsh list of complaints from students or supervisors like myself at the first stage. Therefore, my overall plan to help Mr. Smith is to get him to work on his self-assessment, followed by some feedback from students and fellow teachers, then formulating a plan to help overcome his shortcomings as an institutional performer. The central idea will be to identify and work on his strengths and weaknesses and to assess what more can be done to improve his performance. Step 1: Initiate self-assessment using instruments and inventories. For giving this process a push, I would arrange an informal meeting with Mr. Smith after school. In this meeting, I would outline with his help, the purpose of this activity and what we hope to achieve by the end of it. Next, I would hand over to him some documents which include his past appraisals and remarks of the principal, myself, the curriculum director and the students. These will give him an idea as to what to consider. Having prepared a list of skills and competencies required and expected of in our school from our teachers, I would ask Mr. Smith to assess the list and use it to perform his self-assessment. All the above inventory will act as a criteria for the self-assessment. Asking him to go home and work on the task handed to him, I would arrange a next meeting of a similar fashion with him after a few days. Before the completion of Mr. Smith’s task, I will need to gather some idea as to how well Mr. Smith is at his job by asking the students and his fellow colleagues. This can be done either on a one on one basis or by questionnaires handed out. This step will come in handy at a later stage. Step 2: Perception of self:Â   How accurate? An individual’s perception of oneself involves their knowledge of the